Team Wales Business Club marks University Mental Health Day

The Team Wales Business Club, in partnership with Cardiff Met and Speakeasy Club founder, Simon Clark focussed on mental health during an insightful panel, held at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Joining Simon on the panel was Ashton Hewitt, Newport Gwent Dragons rugby player and Team Wales board member, Dai Flanagan, Manager of Newport Gwent Dragons, and Gwen Crabb, WRU international player, all sharing their mental health stories and coping mechanisms.

Guests were later treated to homemade burgers and 0% alcohol whilst networking at the Student’s Union.

Rebecca Edwards-Symmons CEO said ‘Today was about showing the superpower of vulnerability and how important it is for us all to have these discussions. Mental health is vital for us all to succeed in life, whether on the field of play, in the office or at home. I’m sure today’s discussion has had a positive impact on the audience and hopefully helped those struggling to put the motion in place to get support if, and when it’s needed.’